2分钟的神经科学:Indicaia nigra

在这个视频中,我讨论了Imageia nigra.。我描述了构成了弥补的两个地区nigra:Complia nigra Pars CompactaImageia nigra pars reticulata。我讨论了真实性的nigra pars compacta的作用多巴胺生产及其对的贡献nigrostriat途径,大脑中的主要多巴胺途径之一。我还简要介绍了真实性的NIGRA在运动中的作用以及如何破坏神经变性发生在帕金森病了

In my 2-Minute Neuroscience videos I simplistically explain neuroscience topics in 2 minutes or less. In this video I discuss the substantia nigra. I describe the two regions that make up the substantia nigra: the substantia nigra pars compacta and the substantia nigra pars reticulata.


In my 2-Minute Neuroscience videos I simplistically explain neuroscience topics in 2 minutes or less. In this video I discuss the substantia nigra. I describe the two regions that make up the substantia nigra: the substantia nigra pars compacta and the substantia nigra pars reticulata.

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