
在这个视频中,我覆盖了脊髓在横截面。我讨论了脊髓是如何组成的灰色的白质。灰质物质分为3个地区:后角前角, 和中间灰质。白质被分成了后面前一个, 和外侧昆虫。我描述了所有这些细分和它们主要涉及的功能。

In my 2-Minute Neuroscience videos I simplistically explain neuroscience topics in 2 minutes or less. In this video, I cover the spinal cord in cross-section. I discuss how the spinal cord is composed of grey and white matter. The grey matter is divided into 3 regions: the posterior horn, anterior horn, and intermediate grey matter.


In my 2-Minute Neuroscience videos I simplistically explain neuroscience topics in 2 minutes or less. In this video, I cover the spinal cord in cross-section. I discuss how the spinal cord is composed of grey and white matter. The grey matter is divided into 3 regions: the posterior horn, anterior horn, and intermediate grey matter.

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